Master in Administration with a focus on Government, Institutions and Public Policies by EBAPE/FGV and a bachelor’s degree in Economics by IBMEC-RJ. In the master’s degree, he conducted a study on racial representativeness in the politics and behavior of the brazilian black voter. He Had academic and leadership experiences in countries such as the United States (University of Arkansas and Northwestern University), Portugal (New University of Lisbon), England (British Council), Colombia and Panama (Partners of the Americas) for more than seven years. He was the founder and general coordinator of (LdA) Leaders of Tomorrow and the Potentialization Racial Identity, leadership training, empowerment and social impact aimed at young black men from public schools and universities in Rio de Janeiro.
He is also an alumni of the American State Department. Racial representativity, politics, inequality and public policy are his main agendas and themes, which he discus as a researcher and activist in several lectures held in places such as the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Getúlio Vargas Foundation, the “Movimento Acredito”, TEDxBlumenau, TEDxSantarém and the Ministry of Social Development (MDS). He worked as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), by the Vetor Brasil at the State Education Secretariat of Pará (SEDUC-PA) and as a coordinator of the “EduqMais” at the MGov, a product of parents engagement by SMS messages. He also supported Vetor Brasil in the design of its strategy to promote diversity in the institution. He is currently a consultant on educational policies at the World Bank, supporting the Ministry of Education (MEC) in the design of the Secondary Education Reform. As of August 2018, Giovani is a PhD student in Political Science and African American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.